Thursday, February 4, 2010

Exercise the HEART...exercise?...blah, blah, blah...

There are a lot of components to a HEART. There are the valves, the rhythms, the blood, the love! What most of us wouldn't think about is why all these things are essential for a heart to work - a few things are essential for it to keep working. Oxygen for one. Exercise for two. I know, I know...exercise every day..blah, blah, blah... who does that? who has time? WHY?
Here's why: Each time you exercise the heart will grow little branches of heart [eeeew, right?]...that hold oxygen. If you shallow breathe at night, our oxygen levels decrease - making the heart work harder and harder [creating high blood pressure]. If the heart suffers enough - it will have an attack. If you have exercised and grew little branches of heart, the heart doesn't have to work as hard in times of need. So park your car further away in the parking lot and hoof it to the grocery store door. It's only 30 seconds longer...and a heart surgery is HOURS.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Since we are entering the HEART HOLIDAY...

What does high blood pressure have to do with sleep?
Actually, EVERYTHING. The heart is stressed by the
lack of oxygen we breathe in during it
has to beat harder and faster...thus, creating high blood
pressure. See more information in my book: "I Feel Like Crap
Syndrome..." Sold everywhere books are sold: currently SOLD
OUT at Barnes and Noble until Saturday.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How often do you DREAM?

How often do you dream? Do you even remember?
You may not be reaching the cycles of sleep that
your body physically and emotionally needs....

Friday, January 15, 2010

Wanna lose that "blah-tired" feeling???

I have worked in the best hospitals, weight clinics, and sleep
labs in the nation - I have seen it all and I have compiled my
patient testimonies into a book called " I Feel Like Crap Syndrome...
Where that BLAH-TIRED feeling comes from..., why we gain weight,
why we can't lose weight, how to prevent/control insulin resistance,
diabetes,depression, CPAP tricks and much more!" Thousands of
patients told me to write this book and I want to help save more
lives and share with you how to be the most preventative way possible.
The book is a very-easy read without all the medical fluff - it is
for real people! Check it out EVERYWHERE books are SOLD!,,,, Barnes and Noble Bookstores, Preston Citizen Book
and also at Hastings!